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restbed / catch-dependency
Boost Software License 1.0Updated -
IronicDrivers / ci-project-config
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Vinicius de Medeiros Soares / ColetorConforto
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyColetor de conforto baseado em pessoas via mattermost.
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1.5.2 - Construindo clientes Kafka confidenciais em Python com SCONE
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Este repositório contém um exemplo de aplicação cliente Kafka (produtor/consumidor) usando SGX SDK
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fogbow / occi-os
OtherThis is a clone and continuation of https://github.com/dizz/nova - it provides a python egg which can be easily deployed in OpenStack and will thereby add the 3rd party OCCI interface to OpenStack. For usage examples, see the OpenStack wiki.
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IronicDrivers / openstack-ansible-os_ironic
Apache License 2.0Updated -